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Travel Diary - The week that was: YFC Botswana

Writer's picture: Lyndal J WalkerLyndal J Walker

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Wed 31st August 2022

It’s cloudy and a lot cooler today - strange after the last few days of sunny and hot weather. I have a little bit of time on my hands since Ember is having issues with her car so plans for this morning have changed. I’m still feeling a bit jet-lagged but much better than I was. The last few days have been a bit of a blur! On Saturday I was able to have a good rest as Ember went to an early morning funeral. Digging the hole (manually) is part of the funeral ceremony here and because it gets hot during the day, they start at 5.30am! In the evening we travelled about 45min to a lovely camp ground by a river where her church was having a prayer bootcamp. We joined in for some prayer time and the evening teaching on authority as well as a late dinner. The following morning we went back for breakfast and the final prayer times. It was so lovely fellowshipping with fellow brothers and sisters from different parts of the world. And boy, can these guys pray!

For lunch we went to a nearby restaurant that is also a horse-riding facility. No horse-riding for us but after a long wait, some yummy Mexican food. It’s so fun hearing different languages all around me from Afrikaans to Setswana and even some German.

Monday was a bit of an admin day, catching up on emails and other planning for the trip. We have heard that 72 PCR test for entry to Namibia has been scrapped but the embassy here hasn’t caught up on the news so still trying to get clarity on that. And now I have a bit more time today, I can do some planning for Turkey and UK.

Yesterday was a ministry day. Ember, another YFC volunteer and I went to the women’s prison along with the Alpha Botswana co-ordinator, Beke. They have been doing Alpha there for a few weeks now and every woman attends! That’s around 38. It was a blessing being able to join the team and pray for these precious women. Following that, we drove to an educational facility called Interlink where each week, Ember hosts a worship and intercession time for anyone who’d like to attend. It was only a small group yesterday but a beautiful time. I also had the opportunity to read an excerpt from my book and share some encouragement about the love of God. I left feeling very full spiritually. I also met Bobo (the National Director of YFC Botswana) there so the three of us went out to lunch to a beautiful nursery cafe where cheeky monkeys come snatch your sweets! It is so good to finally be able to meet YFC colleagues and hear of their needs. If you’d like to join me in praying for YFC Botswana, here are the top three prayer needs:

  • Finances

  • More staff

  • Bobo and the current staff as they are in a transitional period. Bobo has only been in the role for a couple of months and needs wisdom from God for developing strategy.

Fri 2nd September 2022

In the afternoon on Wed, Ember and I went to a school in which YFC ministers each week. After a few worship songs, I did a quick game with the students then shared a story from my book and my own testimony, followed by a gospel presentation using the three circles (if you haven’t seen the three circles before, check out this presentation by my Australian colleague, Pat Steele I prayed for a young man afterwards who wants to study aeronautical engineering in Munich. He has his written exams coming up.

On Thursday, we drove about 30 minutes to the YFC office in a town called Mochudi. Apparently both Michelle Obama (you can watch video here) and Princess Anne have visited this town, so I’m adding to the celebrity visits (just kidding)! It was a blessing to meet some more of the YFC staff and share a devotional with them about God using children 300 years ago in the revival that started in Hernhutt, Germany, and how God wants to do that here in Botswana. There is a staff house in Mochudi with a washing machine so we made the most of the time to get some laundry done. In the evening, it was another ministry time as Ember and a team lead youth Alpha via zoom each Thursday night. I definitely was ready to hit the hay after that!

It’s been a beautiful week of ministry and fellowship. Two more days then off to Namibia!

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