Thursday 25th August 2022
I’m sitting in ‘Spur’, a restaurant in the Johannesburg airport, feeling quite jet lagged but well. I need the free WiFi!
I was blessed with a good flight from Melbourne to Singapore then Singapore to Johannesburg - now a few hours to wait before heading to Gaborone, Botswana.
As I flew into Joburg, dawn was awakening and I immediately felt the Spirit of God prompt me with the thought that it’s a new day for me and for Africa. It’s been a hectic lead-up to my time away with lots of little attacks from the enemy in the last week, including fighting off a virus and a few anxious moments of all the what-ifs! I’m blessed to have many people praying for me along this journey. You may be one of them so to you I say, "Thank you!"
Friday 26th August 2022
I made it to Botswana! Grateful to the pilot who retrieved my travel document holder from the hold of the plane before I left without it! I have no idea how it came out of my bag but blessed that the Lord is looking after me.
I’m staying in a little Airbnb in a suburb of Gaborone called Acacia Park, not far from where my friend and colleague, Ember, lives. It’s a gated community so I feel very safe. It’s so nice to have sun and blue skies after a cold Melbourne winter! I haven’t ventured out yet, except for getting some groceries last night. It was ‘eat, shower, sleep’ for me and now I’m trying to stay awake so I can sleep well tonight.
I’m looking forward to the week ahead as I join Ember with the local ministry of YFC including sharing with the local team. I’ll update you on how the week was next week…Lord willing! Thanks for following along! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.